RSS Feed Retriever

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🎨 RSS Feed Retriever

WPThemeDetector has detected that RSS Feed Retriever is a popular WordPress plugin, which is expertly developed by the talented author named ! It has an impressive 4.7 out of 5 ratings (based on 38 user reviews), with up to 10000 number of downloads, showcasing its wide user base and trust. : This plugin infomation is last updated on November 2, 2024.

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In this section, WPThemeDetector provides detailed information about the WordPress plugin RSS Feed Retriever, including the plugin’s author, the latest version, user reviews & ratings, downloads, screenshots, etc.

Plugin Name RSS Feed Retriever 🔗
Popularity Active Installs: 10000🔹Star Ratings: 4.7 out of 5 🔹User Reviews: 38
More Info Current Version: 1.6.10🔹Author: 🔹Last Updated On: January 6, 2023🔹Required WP: 2.8🔹Required PHP: Unknown
Tags news aggregator, rss aggregator, rss feed, rss import, rss parsing

This plugin fetches an RSS feed, or multiple feeds, and displays them in an unordered list using shortcode.

Demo | Video Tutorial | PRO Version

How to use:

Simply copy and paste the example code below to wherever you would like to display your RSS feed. Replace the url and other properties as needed. (See FAQ section below to use in Gutenberg blocks, widgets, and PHP)


[wp_rss_retriever url="" items="10" excerpt="50" read_more="true" credits="true" new_window="true" thumbnail="200" cache="12 hours"]

Live Demo:


  • Fetch as many RSS feeds as you want
  • Display the RSS feed wherever you want using shortcode, including text widgets
  • Control whether to display the entire RSS feeds content or just an excerpt
  • Control how many words display in the excerpt
  • Control whether it has a Read more link or not
  • Control whether links open in a new window or not
  • Simple, lightweight, and fast
  • Easy to setup
  • Fetch thumbnail or first image
  • Control size of thumbnail (width and height)
  • Set cache time (in seconds)
  • Control order of items
  • Aggregate multiple feeds into one list
  • Dofollow or nofollow options


  • url – The url of the rss feed you wish to aggregate from. For multiple urls simply use a comma between them.
  • items – Number of items from the rss feed you wish to fetch (Default is 10)
  • orderby – Order the items by date, reverse date, or random (default, date, date_reverse, random)
  • title – Whether to display the title or not (true or false, defaults to true)
  • excerpt – How many words you want to display for each item (Default is 20, use 0 for full text, use ‘none’ to remove the excerpt)
  • read_more – Whether to display a read more link or not (true or false, defaults to true)
  • new_window – Whether to open the title link and read more link in a new window (true or false, defaults to true)
  • thumbnail** – Whether or not you want to display a thumbnail, and if so, what size you want it to be(true or false, defaults to true. Inserting a number will change the size, default is 150, use 150×200 format to set both width and height, use percents to fill the width, example: 100%x250 or 50%x250)
  • source – Whether to display the source or not (true or false, defaults to true)
  • date – Whether to display the publish date or not (true or false, defaults to true)
  • cache – How long you want the feed to cache the results (Default is 12 hours, you can use days, hours, seconds etc.)
  • dofollow – Whether or not to make links dofollow (true or false, defaults to false)
  • ajax – Whether to load the feed via JavaScript or PHP (true or false, defaults to true)
  • credits – Whether to give credit to the plugin author (true or false, defaults to false)
  • columns – Set layout to columns/grid layout with number of columns. (defaults to 0, use 2, 3, 4 etc.) **PRO version only**
  • icons – Replace source & date labels with icons (true or false, defaults to true) **PRO version only**
  • layout – Set layout to masonry grid layout. (default or masonry) **PRO version only**

**PLEASE NOTE: Using thumbnails can cause longer load times depending on the feed you are fetching from, use with caution.

Please post any issues under the support tab. If you use and like this plugin, please don’t forget to rate it! Additionally, if you would like to see more features for the plugin, please let me know.

Shortcode can be used anywhere including in posts, pages, text widgets, and in PHP files by using the do_shortcode function. This RSS import plugin is very lightweight with a minimal amount of code as to insure it will not slow down your website. Build a custom news aggregator or use this plugin as a simple feed to post plugin by displaying the RSS parsing feed within the pages of your choice. This RSS aggregator is built on the SimplePie API.

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