Page scroll to id

elementor pro

🎨 Page scroll to id

WPThemeDetector has detected that Page scroll to id is a popular WordPress plugin, which is expertly developed by the talented author named ! It has an impressive 4.9 out of 5 ratings (based on 221 user reviews), with up to 100000 number of downloads, showcasing its wide user base and trust. : This plugin infomation is last updated on December 7, 2024.

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In this section, WPThemeDetector provides detailed information about the WordPress plugin Page scroll to id, including the plugin’s author, the latest version, user reviews & ratings, downloads, screenshots, etc.

Plugin Name Page scroll to id 🔗
Popularity Active Installs: 100000🔹Star Ratings: 4.9 out of 5 🔹User Reviews: 221
More Info Current Version: 1.7.9🔹Author: 🔹Last Updated On: November 17, 2024🔹Required WP: 3.3🔹Required PHP: Unknown
Tags navigation, page animation, page scrolling, single-page navigation, smooth scroll

Page scroll to id is a fully featured plugin which replaces browser’s “jumping” behavior with a smooth scrolling animation, when links with href value containing # are clicked. It provides all the basic tools and advanced functionality for single-page websites, in-page navigation, back-to-top links etc. with features like:

  • Adjustable scrolling animation duration and easing (over 30 easing types)
  • Link and target highlighting via ready-to-use CSS classes
  • Vertical and/or horizontal scrolling
  • Scrolling from/to different pages (scrolling to target id on page load)
  • Offset scrolling by pixels or element selector with custom expressions
  • Insert link and target id buttons in post visual editor
  • Link-specific offset, scrolling duration, highlight target etc.

Demo (default animation duration/easing, link highlighting etc.)

Plugin resources, links and tutorials


Page scroll to id requires WordPress version 3.3 or higher (jQuery version 1.7.0 or higher) and your theme must (and should) have wp_head() and wp_footer() functions. In some Microsoft Windows based web servers some plugins might produce an error 500 (depends on server/PHP configuration). To pinpoint the issue enable debugging in wp-config.php and check wp-content/debug.log file for relevant errors.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The plugin is GDPR compliant. It does not use or store any kind of user information/data. In fact, it’s functionality has nothing to do with user data (personal or otherwise). So there’s that.

Quick usage and tips

  1. Install the plugin.
  2. The plugin is enabled by default on your WordPress Menu links, so you can start adding custom links and set their URL to the id/target you want to scroll to.
  3. Create id targets within your content using plugin’s “Insert Page scroll to id target” button and/or shortcode (see contextual “Help” menu in plugin settings page) in post visual/text editor. Create targets in widgets areas using “Page scroll to id target” widget.
  4. Create links within your content using plugin’s “Insert/edit Page scroll to id link” button and/or shortcode in post visual/text editor. You can also add the class ps2id on any existing link you want to be handled by the plugin.

For more info see plugin’s basic tutorial



You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program.
If not, see


If you like this plugin and find it useful, consider making a donation :).

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